Mass Tort


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Recent Zantac lawsuits allege that the drug’s manufacturer, Sanofi, failed to warn users that the drug’s main ingredient is unstable — and may form NDMA. Lawsuits are being filed across the country, and Zantac law firms are suing Sanofi U.S. Services Inc. for fraud, products liability, and negligence.

On April 1, 2020, the FDA asked manufacturers to pull ranitidine, including Zantac, available in prescription and over-the-counter forms, completely off the market. The removal of Zantac and other ranitidine products will encourage more patients and consumers to take legal action against ranitidine drug manufacturers.

At Law Scout, our experienced mass tort marketing staff will connect you with Zantac victims and their families who are looking for compensation. Each campaign includes filtering questions on Zantac intake. We can meet your firm’s lead volume needs without sacrificing quality.

How Mass Tort can grow your firm
Lawyers in the United States spend more than $1 billion on advertising and marketing services. And of that $1 billion, mass tort advertising consumes about $850 million.
Mass Tort cases can include dangerous drugs, defective products, and abuse.
More than 30 dangerous drugs have been approved and later taken off the market because of serious health risks since the 1970’s

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