Mass Tort

Firefighter Foam

How We Can Help

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Firefighting foam has been used since the 1950s because of its effectiveness in extinguishing jet fuel and petroleum fires. However, manufacturers use dangerous chemicals known as PFAS to make the foam. Major health organizations like the CDC, EPA, and ACS have noted that certain PFAS may be linked to various types of cancer in firefighters. 

The Department of Defense identified over 400 military sites that are potentially contaminated with the toxic compounds contained in firefighting foam. In 2018, a federal inquiry determined that PFAS are more dangerous than previously reported and prompted revised recommendations for safe levels of exposure to the compounds. Lawsuits have been filed against manufacturers of firefighting foam for failing to warn users that exposure to the chemicals contained in firefighting foam could lead to various cancers.

At Law Scout, we build a customizable Facebook campaign to gather Firefighter Foam users as potential clients for your firm who are thoroughly vetted based on YOUR criteria. We can meet your firm’s lead volume needs without sacrificing quality.

How Mass Tort can grow your firm
Lawyers in the United States spend more than $1 billion on advertising and marketing services. And of that $1 billion, mass tort advertising consumes about $850 million.
Mass Tort cases can include dangerous drugs, defective products, and abuse.
More than 30 dangerous drugs have been approved and later taken off the market because of serious health risks since the 1970’s

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