Mass Tort

Sexual Abuse

How We Can Help

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Sexual assault happens more times than people want to admit. The amount of victims who suffer in silence is unfathomable. Every 98 seconds an American is sexually assaulted.

Victims of sexual assault experience long-lasting effects on both their physical and mental health. Feelings of shame and guilt can make the victim feel weak and powerless. These injuries can last a lifetime.

At Law Scout, we work to make sure sexually abused victims are matched with an attorney that can represent them. We make sure they have been vetted based on YOUR criteria.

How Mass Tort can grow your firm
Lawyers in the United States spend more than $1 billion on advertising and marketing services. And of that $1 billion, mass tort advertising consumes about $850 million.
Mass Tort cases can include dangerous drugs, defective products, and abuse.
More than 30 dangerous drugs have been approved and later taken off the market because of serious health risks since the 1970’s

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